Monday, 9 November 2009

Everyday fractals

The bits look like the whole, only smaller. The whole looks like the bits, only bigger. Not quite Wikipedia's definition of a fractal, but near enough.

A bit like broccoli, or that kite string in a hopeless mess on a beach in Brazil. The chestnut tree against the January sky. The family tree. The family. Infinite variety, infinitely repeated. Infinitely pleasing, except for the bits that aren't. Again, a bit like broccoli.

Today I did some good stuff, and was content. And I didn't do enough, and knew I'd have to do it tomorrow. Story of my life, I thought. Fractal.

Even started a blog. Trouble is, it's never enough just to start a blog. Have to feel you've created something special. So here I am, when I should be in bed, working on the final touches. Parts of it still annoy me (can you guess which?). Fractal.

No despair here, though. Understanding how the pattern works - that's the joy. Sometimes you see the close-up, sometimes catch the big picture. Fractals can be beautiful. It just depends who's done the design.

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