Tuesday 29 March 2016

Jazz bassoon

Over the last couple of days I sorted out the music on my computers. That meant we listened to some which hadn't had an airing for a long time, and during a late lunch today we were playing a Weber clarinet concerto. Two tracks later it was one of his bassoon pieces. We were reminded why bassoons are renowned for being the humorous member of the orchestra, but between giggles I suddenly thought what a great jazz instrument it would make. A quick internet search indicated that others had got there, but that it's just a small, niche market.

While trawling I came across Mike Rabinowitz's website, and was able to stream some tracks from his albums – it's pretty awesome stuff. No downloads available, nor from iTunes or Amazon, and I'd want to let my fascination settle a bit before thinking about getting a CD shipped from the States. But it was great to enjoy the originality of his playing.

Serendipity! If it hadn't been wet over Easter we'd have gone out for some walks – I wouldn't have got down to sort out the music, I wouldn't have scanned and imported the artwork on my Weber CD and thought about playing it, and I'd never have discovered jazz bassoon. Of course, if it had been fine and we'd gone out walking, something even more stupendous might have happened! However, it's nearly always good not to fret about what might have been.

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